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The STRANGE Cucumber radio show with DJ Stryder

Sunday Nights 11pm - 1am EST
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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The End of the World? (again)

A competition between dates for the end of the world?

In case you hadn't heard, the most recent prediction of the end of the world comes from Harold Camping, founder of Family Radio Worldwide, and it's going to be this Saturday May 21, 2011. So then, does that mean the apocalypse of 2012 is off?

Early Christians, and certain sects throughout history believed the end of the world to be imminent, but since the first century there have been dozens of failed predictions - maybe it's a Pavlovian thing. Eschatology certainly catches my attention. Camping's prediction has also been profitable for sign makers judging by the worldwide distribution of warning messages on billboards, posters and vehicles. 

Though the internet has undoubtedly helped Harold Camping disseminate his message, he has used radio to reach a worldwide audience for decades. According to Rory O'Connor in Shock Jocks, religious and other conservative radio programs have a 10-1 dominance of the airwaves over progressive or liberal radio programs and Camping was a pioneer in this growth. 

So, be sure to tune in this Sunday night to see if I'm still here - or to tell your own tale of disappearing Christians! 

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