Not for the timid or easily offended...

Not for the timid or easily offended...
Is the FCC's "obscenity" obsession just a distraction from their promotion of Big Media Monopoly?

The STRANGE Cucumber radio show with DJ Stryder

Sunday Nights 11pm - 1am EST
WDCE 90.1 FM or streaming online
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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Apocalypse redux

Obviously I haven't been regular with this blog, but dammit, if that good old false prophet Harold Camping of Family Radio Ministry didn't goad me into an overdue entry when he revised his May prediction for the END OF THE WORLD to be October 21, 2011.  But maybe we shouldn't be surprised - his middle name is Egbert for godsake!

His delusional shenanigans would be amusing if not for the fact that there are plenty of other prophet-able end-times hucksters out there working overtime to connect current events with obscure bible passages. Are these folks much different than the 2012 Mayan calendar folk? Perhaps not, but at least the Mayan prophecy isn't a destructive judgement but rather a positive shift in human consciousness. In any case, it seems wise to be suspicious of all apocalyptic predictions - right Egbert?

Never underestimate the power of radio and a willing audience.